Turret Coffee – Tokyo, Japan

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Café Art at Turret Coffee on a Cappuccino & Latte (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)
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Review: Turret Coffee ★★★★

The Tsukiji fish market might be gone, but Turret Coffee lives on. This hole in the wall café is a testament to the locals that walk the extra block past Starbucks to this hidden gem.

Turret Coffee is a no frills kind of place. There aren’t a lot of seats, and the ones that are there aren’t really built for comfort. Customers are usually jostling for space, meaning that if you have snagged a seat you should be prepared for a few bumps. The menu has less than half a dozen options, which is more of a strength than a weakness, thought I often wish they offered something in the way of cookies. What I’m getting is that this isn’t really the kind of café you hang out in and do work. Due to its limited size, etc., it’s more of a takeout place.  

Rather than creating a chill café environment, they focus on making a damn good cup of coffee.  Their café creations, although wonderful, tend to be on the sweet side. Coffee purists might not be impressed. Those who enjoy something like a caramel macchiato will find this place to be in tune with their desires.

While I will say it’s well worth the trip out here to try Turret Coffee, it most certainly warrants a visit if you’re in the area.

The staff is all very friendly, with English menus and some level of English spoken. They usually have daily coffee specials, drinks which are off menu. I’ve noticed that they are sometimes only in Japanese. The staff should be able to explain them in English. Don’t be shy.

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Contact & General Information

Ready Steady Travel - Food Review
Cappuccino Art at Turret Coffee (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)

Price: Cheap

Hours: Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm; Sat-Sun, 7am-5pm

Website: Turret Coffee (Official Website)

Location: Google

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