Tourist Trap – Restaurants

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Tourists Dining - Koh San Road, Bangkok, Thailand (G. McGregor/
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Getting Caught in a Tourist Trap

There’s nothing worse than finding yourself in eatery that’s a proper tourist trap. Well, there are probably quite a few things worse, but overpaying for something that is underwhelming is never a good feeling. What’s more, you get cheated out of the cultural experience, missing out on something that could have been wonderful and unique.  

Hitting up a local chow shack can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know the culture well and/or don’t speak the language.

Your adversity will be rewarded.

This tip, however, is less about channeling your inner-adventure’s spirit and more about how to avoid the restaurants that are tourist traps.

Avoiding Tourist Traps

Ready Steady Travel - Tourist Trap Restaurants
Tourist Menus – Valletta, Malta (G. McGregor/

The best way to avoid getting scammed by these tourist trap restaurants is to identify them before going in, or before ordering something.

  • If a restaurant is offering a tourist menu, get away as fast as you can. Menus in a number of foreign languages should also send up big red flags.
  • If there is a tout outside trying to strong-arm passersby, steer clear. In practice, a restaurant that is known by locals to have good food doesn’t need to employ a tout. Touts are there to trick the more susceptible into coming in.
  • If a restaurant is full of tourists and there are no locals dining, this is often a very bad sign. Hordes of tours groups should also tip you off that you’re in for a lackluster experience. Can’t tell a local apart from the tourists? Pay attention to how people dress. Pay close attention to the language you hear being spoken by the other patrons. Usually it’s not hard to tell these groups apart. 

Don’t Panic!

If you do happen to find yourself seated in a place that might be taking advantage of the non-local population, get up and leave. If you haven’t already ordered drinks/food there is nothing stopping you from getting up and going somewhere. You might get a nosy owner, but you can simply say that you’re not feeling well. Start dry heaving, that always gets a good reaction.

If you’ve already ordered food or have eaten, it is too late unfortunately. Protesting will probably do little, and in most cases the local authorities will be of little help. Calk this up to a life lesson, which hopefully you have learned, and move on. It’s not pleasant to get ripped off, but take solace in the fact that it happens to everyone.

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