Kanazawa Phonograph Museum – Kz, Japan

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Row of old phonographs; Kanazawa Phonograph Museum, Japan (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)
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Review Kanazawa Phonograph Museum ★★★★★

If you like music and history, the Kanazawa Phonograph Museum is a must stop. They have an amazing collection of phonographs and old cylinder records. They also hold photography demonstrations three times a day (11am, 2pm, & 4pm) which give you a rare opportunity to hear several types of phonographs, as well as some truly old records. It is highly recommended that you time your visit to coincide with these demonstrations.

The museum also holds a very special place in our hearts, and is more than just a building to us. The owner of the museum was nice enough to let us get married here. When asked if we could use the location, he was quite gracious, going as far as letting us choose several original cylinder records to play during the ceremony. So, the place holds something very special to us.

The area around the museum is also very beautiful, so make sure to explore the streets on foot after you’ve seen the museum. There are a number of traditional houses and shops in the area, and a few nice pedestrian bridges that cross the Asano-gawa river. It’s almost like stepping back in time a few hundred years to the Edo era.

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Contact & General Information

Ready Steady Travel - Museum Review
Naomi Listening to a Phonograph; Kanazawa Phonograph Museum (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)

Admission: Adults ¥310/Children Free

Hours: Daily, 10am-5:30pm

Website: Kanazawa Phonograph Museum (Official Website) {Japanese/English]

Location: Google

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