Chinatown | Manila, PH

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The Chinese Archways Greeting Visitors (G. McGregor/
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Review | Chinatown ★★

Manila’s Binondo area, or Chinatown, looks to be an adventurous place to spend an afternoon touring around and eating. Reportorial, it’s the oldest Chinatown in the world, which kind of adds to the excitement one might find there. Sadly, the area fails to live up to anything significant.

I hate to say it, but if you’ve been to one Chinatown, you’ve pretty much been to all of them. The only thing that can really make or break a trip to this kind of area is the food, and this where the experience goes off the rails. All of the hot spots I had read about were gone. Maybe this was due to Covid, but I guess it doesn’t really matter.

The buildings and architecture are alright, but are in the typical state of disrepair most buildings are in throughout the Philippines. One stand out is the Binondo Church, but that’s not very Chinese at all. Allegedly the archways leading into the town are largest for any Chinatown in the world, but again, this isn’t something I’d go out of my way to see.

Even in Manila, you find so many better things to do with your than wasting it in Chinatown. Give this one a miss and check out some of the the other activities you can find in the city.

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Ready Steady Travel - Adventures in The Philippines, Manila: Review Chinatown Binondo
The Impressive Binondo Church in Manila’s Chinatown (G. McGregor/

Price: N/A

Hours: 24h

Website: N/A

Location: Google

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