Baird Beer – Yokohama, Japan

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Naomi with a Pint of Beer; Baird Beer Tap Room, Bashamichi (G. McGregor/ with a Pint of Beer; Baird Beer Tap Room, Bashamichi (G. McGregor/
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Review Baird Beer ★★★★

If you’re not in the know, Baird Beer is a Japanese craft beer producer. Their beers, which are highly regarded, are widely available in bars throughout Japan. The ones that serve craft beers, not the cheap izakaya types. They also have a opened up about a dozen bars in Japan, and one in LA.

This is arguable the best Baird Beer Taproom out of the bunch, and we have been to almost all of them. At one point, we had been to all of them, but they keep opening new ones.

What Works at Baird Beer

There are a number of things to like about the Baird Beer Taprooms. The beer is great. Baird Beers makes a stealer product. We’ve gone through their entire selection, a few times. We’ve always been pleased. The Taprooms are non-smoking. Japan is still in the dark ages when it comes to clean air. There are full English menus, and the staff all speak a very high level of English. There are cools with bottles, so you can also take out. Quite handy if you want a roadie on the way to the next destination.

So, what separates this Taproom from their other Taprooms? The food selection. Each Taproom has a different food style. As far as I know, this is their only BBQ Taproom.  Western-style BBQ is still a bit of a rarity in Japan. The Baird Beer Taproom isn’t the only game in town, but it’s damn near close. Their fat ribs should be the number one things to go for. You pay by the weight, so just a heads up on that.

The bar is big and spacious, as well as being spread out over several floors. There is also some outside tables on the roof, which is great if it’s the right weather.

What Doesn’t Works at Baird Beer

There are a few things we don’t like. The main thing we abhor is the seating. The seats are all hard wood, with sharp angles, and no padding. They’re the kind of seats that cut into your thigh after you’ve been sitting for 5 minutes. After an hour, they define uncomfortably in a new way. Certainly, it’s one reason why we don’t spend longer there. The seating is such a turn off, that we avoid their other taprooms.

The other thing that really irritates us about Baird Beer, in general, is their penny wise, dollar foolish approach. They are tight-fisted with things like giving samples, which is a directive right from the owner, Brian Baird. I know this because I’ve spoken to him about this. On one hand, I understand that things like this cut into profits. However this also hurts profits, as the customer can feel that the bar is only concerned with their bottom line, and not with keeping a positive experience. We’ve been to hundreds of bars, if not over a thousand bars all over the world. Never have I ever been refused a sample. It is their policy, but we maintain it’s a shortsighted one. It’s not a make or break policy, as we will still visit this taproom in the future. Just, we will patronize less.

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Contact & General Information

Ready Steady Travel - Food Review
A Selection of Menu Options; Baird Beer Tap Room, Bashamichi (G. McGregor/

Price: Mid-Range to Expensive

Hours: Mon-Fri: 5pm-12am & Sat-Sun: 12pm-12am

Website: Baird Beer (Official Website)

Location: Google

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