Salcedo Weekend Market | Manila, PH

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Walking the Market on a Sunny Saturday (G. McGregor/
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Review | Salcedo Weekend Market ★★

The Salcedo Weekend Market is an opened air market that occurs every Saturday in a park near the business district in the Makati area. If you’re expecting a cheap place to go to sample lots of different Filipino food, you’d only be half right. Prices are on the very high side, so don’t expect to find any deals here, unfortunately.

That being said, the quality of the food on offer is beyond decent, especially considering it’s all coming from vendors in tents. Expect a lot of variety in food types, from lechon to mango shakes, as well as a lot of artisan foods.

You should expect crowds, as both tourist and well-to-do locals flock to this market. So, finding a place to sit and enjoy the food you just bought might be a problem. There’s also a lack of shade, so bring a hat and some sunblock.

If you want the best variety of foods, plan on arriving around 10am to give yourself time to look around. The market is also near some choice cafes, like Wildflour and Habitual Coffee, so you always sneak off to these places after you’re tired of being outside.

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Contact & General Information

Ready Steady Travel - Adventures in The Philippines, Manila: Restaurant Review Salcedo Weekend Market Saturday
Walking the Market on a Sunny Saturday (G. McGregor/

Price: Above Average

Hours: 7am – 2pm

Website: Salcedo Weekend Market (facebook)

Location: Google

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